Humanoid Robotics at Carnegie Mellon: A Prospective Student's Guide

Exciting research is going on at Carnegie Mellon in many areas of Humanoid Robotics, including movement, perception, reasoning, human-robot interaction, and robot-robot interaction.


Chris Atkeson explores robot learning and optimization-based approaches to dynamic movement planning.

Steve Collins is interested in prosthetics and human walking.

Jodi Forlizzi is developing design methods for assistive robots.

Hartmut Geyer is exploring human and robot legged behavior.

Martial Hebert is enabling humanoids to see and perform visually-guided movement.

Jessica Hodgins is working on human-like movement in animation and robotics. She also works on human-robot interaction and perception of human motion.

Ralph Hollis is interested in dynamically stable mobile robots, including rolling and walking machines, and also haptic interaction.

Takeo Kanade leads a wide range of efforts in humanoid perception, mobility, and quality of life.

Sara Kiesler is exploring human-robot interaction.

Nancy Pollard is interested in understanding physical interactions with the environment, including grasping and manipulation.

Paul Rybski is exploring heterogeneous distributed autonomous systems that interact with humans.

Reid Simmons is working on human-robot social interaction.

Siddhartha Srinivasa is interested in the mechanics, planning, and control of manipulation in dynamic human environments.

Manuela Veloso creates intelligent robots that cooperate, observe, reason, act, and learn.

Katsu Yamane works at CMU and Disney Research Pittsburgh on entertainment robotics.


Dmitry Berenson: motion planning.

Lillian Chang: dexterous manipulation using anthropomorphic robot hands.

Rosen Diankov: planning techniques for complex activities.

Marek Michalowski: human-robot interaction.

Bilge Mutlu: human-robot interaction.

Ben Stephens: humanoid control, balance, and locomotion.

Joel Chestnutt: footstep planning for biped robots.

Jonathan Hurst: dynamic legged robots.

Jung-Yup Kim: bipedal locomotion.

Philipp Michel: humanoid perception.

Mike Stilman: motion planning including navigation among movable obstacles.

Martin Stolle: learning approaches to difficult dynamic tasks.

Darrin Bentivegna: learning.

Chenggang Liu (visiting student): trajectory libraries.

James Kuffner: motion planning.

Project Web Pages

People and Robots (HRI)

Manipulation from Demonstration

Hands and Grasping

CORAL: Cooperate, Observe the world, Reason, Act, and Learn! understanding the attribution of human qualities to nonhumans.